29 June 2012

• blais • is one year old this week...and we're celebrating!

Hard to believe that we we
opened the doors at 
 • blais • 
one year ago!
to celebrate our anniversary
is reduced
20% to 40%

Stop by to see us!
SALE - JUNE 30th thru JULY 8th

we will be open every day this week except July 4
one oak street, in the Three Oaks train depot

27 June 2012


lend an ear ... 
pair of vintage roadside signs
 ... this would draw me right in!

throw a party ... 
add to the mix this brilliant orange serving cart!
can you just see this poolside?
sturdy and full of function

it's a sign ... that we love signs
always fresh from the flea market or auction house
one of a kind, to be sure

speaking of love ... doggies rule  ...
fall head over heels in love with these vintage spaniels!

head shots ...
BLAIS is chock full of wonderful
 accessories for the home or cottage

ga-ga for galvanized!
yes we are ...
stack these beauties up or under your favorite table
or buffett ...
AND if you're taking a trip
BLAIS a trail to
Three Oaks, MI

this gorgeous lady will greet you at the door.
thanks for 'shopping by'

20 June 2012


 ... get addicted to our weekly 
blog featuring our newest 
we will posting these acquisitions
 every Wednesday evening

get your industrial on!
fabulous wire/iron bin full of old factory light bulbs
how cool is this? must see to believe

it's time!
time to visit BLAIS and peek at
 all the 'just arrived' goodies!

 stunning handmade
 jewelry for that special someone
or just treat yourself!

local artisan
hand paints these city signs.
makes one proud
 to be a Michigander!

you wash, I'll dry!
beautiful linen kitchen towels
ready for that special gift basket or 
shower gift!

wicker wrapped wine jugs from Europe ...
sometimes referred to as demi-johns ... 
a must for the French country kitchen

you will always find one
 of a kind vintage at BLAIS ...
farm truck "enter" scale ...

for the serious collector

ironstone transfer ware and MORE

thanks for 'shopping by'
hope to see you this weekend.

16 June 2012

Nestled in the sleepy lake shore village of
Three Oaks Michigan is
a veritable romp of a shop  

Packed to the corners
with one of a kind finds, market place 
accessories, industrial heartthrobs, coffee table books
 and items
hunted and gathered from local
auctions, artisans and flea markets.

Here, you will be greeted with a smile,
assisted in design dilemmas or left to browse
til your hearts' content.

If you're meandering up and down the 
Red Arrow Highway
 hunting and gathering,
please stop in at
you'll be glad you did!